Friday 2 July 2010




世界經濟論壇在2010年這屆,在1/27-31舉行(議程),全 部影像都有放上Youtube。因為是在哥本哈根的聯合國氣候變遷大會的一個月後舉行,所以有規劃了一些與能源、氣候變遷相關的專題小組講座,我在這邊為各位轉貼過來幾場。它有配字幕,可以選取翻譯,不過翻譯怪怪的。

Davos Annual Meeting 2010 - Financing Low-Carbon Growth (1/27)
Estimates show that about US$ 500 billion needs to be invested yearly between now and 2030 to address climate change.

Davos Annual Meeting 2010 - Rethinking Energy Security (1/27)
What is needed to tackle the interlinked issues of energy security, economic growth and climate change?

Davos Annual Meeting 2010 - Global Energy Outlook (1/28)

Davos Annual Meeting 2010 - From Copenhagen to Mexico: What's Next? (1/29)
What immediate steps should governments, businesses and civil society take towards a long-term climate path that is both environmentally effective and economically efficient?

Davos Annual Meeting 2010 - Rethinking Trade and Climate Change (1/30)

Davos Annual Meeting 2010 - A Roadmap for a Sustainable Recovery (1/31)
The Annual Meeting Co-Chairs examine what industry and government should do to lead the global economy on a path of sustainability and job growth in 2010

Davos Open Forum 2010 - Climate Change: Financing Urgent Adaptation

1 comment:

Winkai.H said...
